Virtual Healthy Living Sessions

Discover Your Personalized Super Foods Profile

Information about nutrition can feel overwhelming!

It’s time to sort through the clutter and discover your own Personalized Super Foods Profile. Together we will uncover how your unique DNA blends with your most pressing health concern, to determine the best plant-based nutritional wisdom for your health and longevity.

Read more about How It Works below.

Ready to get started? Schedule your FREE 15-minute phone session using the form on this page. Let's chat!

Simmering Vegetable Soup

Schedule your FREE 15-minute phone session so we can chat!


After our initial discovery call, I’ll need a few more bits of information to complete your Personalized Super Foods Profile.

Everything will be facilitated virtually, so no in-person session needed.

This information will help guide critical inputs that will be used to identify which natural foods and plant-based options you can benefit from in your quest for healthy living.


"These insights are incredible. I would have never discovered these super foods on my own. So thankful for Jill and this information!" 

"My chronic symptoms are gone! In just a matter of weeks, I'm proof these super foods can heal. Simply amazing!"  

"I've really enjoyed better understanding how mind, body & spirit come together to heal. It's true, food is medicine! Thank you for the wonderful insights." 

"Thank you for all of this information. I've learned so much and can't wait to keep this food journey going!"


Jill received her Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate from eCornell & T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

After a shocking lung cancer diagnoses in 2019, Jill quickly discovered alternative approaches to complement her medical treatment. She embraced so many wellness practices that have led her to “miracle” results, according to her doctors at Johns Hopkins University.

The result is a Personalized Super Foods Profile that will be unique to you!

Once your Profile is completed, we’ll discuss via a 1:1 virtual chat – video or phone, depending on your preference. In this session we’ll navigate and discuss details together and outline an action plan for you to get started right away.