improve air quality

With COVID concerns heading into Fall, air quality remains a high priority for us all. Luckily there are three easy ways to purify the air that you breathe. So take off the masks at home and take in a deep breath. All is well in your world.


Tip #1 - Replace The Filter On Your AC And Furnace Regularly

Be honest with yourself, do you even know how to do this or where to find it? Don’t let something so simple drag down your family’s health. Filtering through dirty or clogged filters is no Bueno. It allows harmful toxins into your home and exasperates asthma or allergy sensitivities to say the least. Change your filter every 60 to 90 days. Don’t be cheap. Buy the 3-pack, put a reminder on your calendar and set yourself up for success.

Tip #2 - Buy an Air Purifier

If you live in the U.S. you can use an app called to monitor air quality in your area. The EPA gives an air quality index score by county based on particle pollution, ground-level ozone, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide. If ratings are low, you should try to limit outdoor activities or better yet, invest in improving your own air quality indoors with an air purifier. There are several options – whole house, multi-room or single room. We have one in each bedroom to help detox during our nightly slumber. Clean air for the whole family!

Tip #3: Diffuse Essential Oils

They not only smell nice but can serve a purpose. Many oils like Eucalyptus are great for respiratory cleansing and can even fight off flu germs. Citrus oils also destroy airborne germs. Stopping these in their track can lead to less colds and clearer lungs.


And there you have it. Lead a simple life and enjoy the simplest things in life. Like fresh air.


*article sourced from

*photo sourced directly from