olive and avocado oil

Modern fats are inflammatory because of how they are processed and what they are made from. Luckily, oils have been spotlighted in the last few years in part to trendy diets that started to build awareness of good fats vs. bad fats. Even the FDA got involved and banned partially hydrogenated oil from products a few years ago.

The next layer to this is oil selection. Olive oil and avocado oil are your friends, but its paramount that you know what to buy and how to use it!

For example -- Did you know that olive oil, flax and hemp oils should never be heated?!?

Here are a few more tips:

  • Proper extraction is key! Choose cold-pressed with a “bottled on” date
  • Origination source should be a single origin [not a hybrid bundle of places!], and better yet if its bottled and sourced from the same location
  • Expiration dates matter – the quality oils will have one! Nothing lasts forever on a shelf so if it doesn't have one....eww!
  • Choose dark glass bottles (not clear glass or plastic) - the darker the bottle, the less breakdown of critical polyphenols
  • Cooking temperatures make or break oil benefits or toxicity! Low and slow is the theme for healthy cooking. Also – do not bake or high-heat cook with olive oil. I repeat, do not use olive oil in skillets, baked goods or other cooking environments. It’s meant for dressings and marinades or dips only.
  • Swap Avocado oil for high-heat cooking and problem solved! Primal Kitchen makes a great one, and I also tried this one and enjoy it!


Where to Buy?

Nothing beats company’s like Fresh Pressed who specialize just in pure quality olive oils. Although sometimes this isn’t for everyone, so start by checking your current bottles. Then try your local organic grocery store, Trader Joe’s or the like and spend some time perusing the selections based on what you know. They can be hard to find, but quality oils are out there!


Want to listen to learn more about Olive Oil benefits?

Check out this podcast - https://www.muscleintelligence.com/episode110/



*information sourced primarily from The Metabolic Approach to Cancer by Dr. Nasha Winters, p. 180
*image sourced directly from here