Farewell 2020, Hello 2021
While many of us are wishing away 2020 as fast as possible, I have a different take on quite possibly the most challenging year of my life. I’m not hurried to run from the last 12 months and all of the ups, downs and sometimes sideways curveballs that came our way. Rather, when I take a step back, I’m reminded that despite all, the positive far outweighs the negative. While the year started seemingly normal for all in a pre-COVID world, my life was still governed by the fight of my life. And so, when COVID started and the world began to slow down and shut down, I welcomed fellow souls into my circle. One of looking at life through a different lens, one of stopping to appreciate the little things in life, one that sees the beauty in all of the details of living, each and every day. I already felt my ‘loss’ months before after a stage IV cancer diagnosis – it was like the rest of the world joined me in March in feeling the same.
But, perseverance and patience were a lesson we all learned together in 2020. And look at us now! So, I say cheers – to the lessons learned, to celebrating the wins no matter how small and to open hearts and open minds.
Let’s take all of our 2020 learnings and do something GREAT with them in the year ahead.
Keep dancing in the details, even after the smoke clears and life starts to go back to normal. Never forget how this year has shaped your life, forever leaving its prints on your hearts and lives.
Step into 2021 confident and knowing that if you can get through 2020, you, my friend, can do ANYTHING!
Now I know that all things are possible...and so do you! Cheers to 2021! #justBELIEVE