love heals

Certainly Valentine’s Day is a great reminder to share our hearts and love with those we hold dearest. But every day should be about flexing this powerful muscle and sharing its abundance with others.

One of my favorite energy centers is the Heart.


About Your Heart Chakra

This special chakra is the “pure innocent place of balance within us that cannot be hurt, even though our egoic selves often think it can”. It is the primary center through which we heal and it’s energy can move through us to impart healing to others (think a physical massage or an energetic hug). The heart has a literal mind of its own and has a strong tie to brain health (which we know holds the key to healing the physical body). The heart chakra likes to accept and equalize (vs. judge, compare and see differences in things). When the heart is healthy and balanced, it helps us thrive and have loving relationships.

**source The Key to the Chakras book by Vickie Howie, pg. 28-29


Healing your Body through the Heart

According to Louise Hay, in her book All is Well, the heart represents “the center of love and security”. Heart problems present themselves when we are out of balance with our needs and the needs of someone else. The key is to master how to express your own emotions while also taking in the needs and emotions of others. The classic balance of give and take.

She claims that:

  • Those who are not in touch with their own emotions tend to have heart problems
  • Those who are overwhelmed by their emotions tend to have lung problems
  • Those how express on the positive side of their emotions develop breast problems

Negative thoughts and behaviors that are associated with the heart (and love), tend to come from anxiety, irritability, depression and long-term emotional problems. People with these health challenges fear life and don’t feel worthy of living a good life – they have an apparent lack of joy. They also tend to overmother and put others’ emotions before their own.

Overcoming heart-associated problems depends on your ability to fully express your emotions and to develop the capacity to experience and feel the emotions of anger, disappointment and anxiety (aka negative emotions), without becoming overwhelmed by them.  Knowing and expressing ALL emotions keeps us human, whether it’s joy or fear and will help you maintain good health.

One easy way to start to train your brain – an affirmation!

Repeat it several times a day, print it out, stick on your mirror, your desk, let your eyes see it, your mind read it and ultimately start to believe it. IT WORKS!!

**Affirmation: “My heart beats to the rhythm of love”

**source All is Well book by Louise Hays, pg. 104-105


Eat to Heart Health

Food truly is medicine, especially when it comes to naturally promoting heart health. Several foods, herbs and spices are our friend and are great ones to incorporate into your daily diet.

  • Avocados – loaded with phytochemicals and anti-inflammatory properties, similar to aspirin without thinning the blood
  • Bananas – strengthen the core of who we are, encouraging us to peel back our false shields and expose our true selves. They help us deal with our emotions!
  • Berries & Cherries – promote healthy hemoglobin and are loaded with polyphenols
  • Cranberries – promote a cheery disposition
  • Dates – one of the most heart-healthy foods thanks to its record-breaking amount of amino acids
  • Figs – help relieve emotional wounds formed from feeling excluded. Hello social-media induced FOMO!
  • Melons – high electrolyte content, super hydrating and helps lower high blood pressure
  • Other foods with similar benefits: Dark Leafy Greens, Radishes, Sweet Potatoes, Parsley, Turmeric


Essential Oils to promote a strong heart center

Try to incorporate more of these to bolster balance and acceptance the next time you meditate, go for a massage or practice, any of your self-care routine.

  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Tea tree
  • Thyme
  • Cypress,
  • Ylang ylang
  • Ginger

Have a LOVE-FILLED day!