vitamin C benefits

No doubt, we know the power of vitamin C when we are sick or need to give our immune system a boost. But how many of you know about its amazing benefits as skin care? *Product Alert* My new favorite facial serum has me falling in love with this vitamin all over again. And it smells divine.

I’ve been using it for about 4 weeks now, and my skin is glowing. It’s diminished my age spots, and my more noticeable sun spots, and I’ve had zero breakouts. And, I have the most sensitive skin when it comes to lotions and serums so this is a huge win! It’s a little pricey but worth the investment, especially as we head away from summer sun and into Fall climates. It’s time to nourish our skin!

And this one was too good not to tell you about.

Ready to buy?

I highly recommend a vegan, animal friendly, toxic free serum to start. This one by BeautyCounter is my favorite.

I’m sure you already have your go-to cosmetics, just beware those nasty chemicals and endocrine disruptors. Check your labels!! The EWG skin deep site is the best place to start so you can decide for yourself! I have their app too and its great when you’re making quick decisions or want to dig in and research.

Also, I’m sure there are countless other favorites to buy or even DIY with essential oils. So please, share away if you’ve found another Vitamin C contender that packs a powerful punch without all of those yucky ingredients.

P.s. If you need a BeautyCounter Rep, let me know. I have a fabulous one!