new brew coffee

Coffee is pretty much a staple for most of us. Its benefits have been debated, like most dietary items in our modern lifestyles. But I think the real details of its benefits lies within the quality of the bean. And no, more is not better. Let’s dig in…. High-quality coffee is a rich source of…

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peppermint oil

When we think of December, in pops ideas of holiday cheer, celebrations, hot cocoa, gingerbread and our beloved candy cane traditions. Tis the season…. But did you know that peppermint oil also has enormous health benefits that can bring you joy all year long?! Apply, diffuse & sniff your way to health. Those candy canes…

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detox for longevity

Reducing toxins is the body is a critical element to healthy living. It’s time to detox your way to longevity! Often we focus on what we can take in, versus what may need to be released, or let out. And this can tie all elements of living – nutrition, emotions and deeper spiritual releases. Safe…

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wool dryer sheets

An easy one but one worth repeating. It’s time to make the swap from dryer sheets to wool dryer balls! Here’s why: Dryer Sheets are toxic for you, the environment & your pets! You & Your Family’s Health – Dryer sheets can contain harmful chemicals that stick to clothes, vents into the air, and rub…

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Rosemary smells and tastes delicious, but who knew it offers healing properties too? Rosemary’s unique blend of antioxidants – specifically carnosic acid, carnosol, and rosmarinic acid – protect against the cancer-causing heterocyclic amines (HCAs) that form on meat when cooked at high temperatures. BBQ lovers beware! (And I used to be one of you too)……

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nuts about nuts

So many puns about nuts that I could share, but I’ll refrain 😊 One thing I continue to come across in my discoveries about food-as-medicine, is the incredible power of nuts in our diets. Every natural health practitioner boosts about the healing benefits of nuts – from Omegas to ‘good fats’ and everything in between.…

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ingredient labels

I’m not here to debate a particular type of vitamin, or which supplements are best for you. But I do want to raise an issue of quality when it comes to both. And to encourage you to read your supplement labels and consider their source, BEFORE you just buy and consume the next pretty label…

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And I’m not just talking about the coffee that you drink! The coffee bean, in its purest sense, has numerous health benefits. And while these have been debated, it really has much more to offer than harm.  And that’s just if you drink it! Reduced Risk of Type 2 Diabetes – thanks to antioxidants like CGA…

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apple a day

It’s true! In addition to delivering so many other health benefits, apples can help alleviate stress and anxiety. It’s an ancient food and one that has long represented comfort and a connection to a sense of sanctuary. Apples help open up a part of you and change the energy around you. So, if you’re feeling…

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vitamin C benefits

No doubt, we know the power of vitamin C when we are sick or need to give our immune system a boost. But how many of you know about its amazing benefits as skin care? *Product Alert* My new favorite facial serum has me falling in love with this vitamin all over again. And it…

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